About Our Backpacking Trips

Updated - 09/22/19

In today's world of technology, it's healthy to get away from civilization, cell phones, facebook and everything else we're typically plugged into. It is also a very rewarding experience to see the beauty this world has to offer, and nothing makes you appreciate it more than having to work a little for it. As a great man once said, "Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountain is going home; that wildness is necessity; that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life." -John Muir

All of the trips listed below fall into the category of backpacking (sometimes referred to as primitive or backcountry camping). For each of these trips, I've rated each one using the following criteria:

  • Solitude - The fewer people the better.
  • Trails - Challenging trails that don't look like roads, as well as decent signage so we don't get lost.
  • Campsites - Good amenities including close proximity to water, isolated from other campsites, and fire rings.
  • Scenery - The more awe inspiring, the better.
  • Wildlife - Birds and deer are great, but dangerous animals like bears and mountain lions are the best!
  • Adventure - We like to have some adrenaline flowing to make us forget about all the aches and pains.

I hope you enjoy the pictures and stories and get a chance to visit these wonderful parks. And if you feel so inclined, I 'd love to hear from you!

-Mark B

Various Ways of Getting In Touch

Email is always the best and quickest way to get in touch (mdburmeister at gmail dot com). Sorry about the format, I don't want spammers sending me any more crap mail than I already get.

Follow me on Instagram, which is the site I'm most active on.


I'm on Facebook sometimes, so look me up.



I've posted a few pics on flickr.


Another social networking site, but this one is all about the music. You can check out my profile and see what I'm listening to or play my playlist.


Pandora is another site that I'm on quite a bit.  Pretty cool site for finding music... but not so much a social networking site. 

DeviantARTis an awesome site for art and is the source for my computer wallpapers.  I also use it for inspiration for various designs including websites and t-shirts.  I constantly add the ones that I like to my favorites section so I can access it later.  Take a look.


Linkedin seems to be gaining popularity in the corporate world as a way to keep in touch, request recommendations and flash around your resume.